Category Archives: comics

The 1st Wedding Anniversary of 2 Arkansas Designers In Love

My beloved wife Lee Hiller-London who is a master nature photographer which one can see at her Hike Our Planet blog and I are celebrating our one year anniversary today.  We had the best time; got up early and walked on the mountain where we got married. We didn’t go all the way up to [...]

Growing Up In Mississippi, Alcoholism, Dysfunction..Redemption

(Caveat) I will be posting Londons Times Cartoons and various products I design and even a pic of my gorgeous wife in case you get bored at any time reading my blog; you can take a visual break and start back when /if you’re ready. Thank you. The management. When I lived in Washington, D.C. [...]

Heart Attacks, Surfer Dude Cardiologist, Curiosity & Cartoons by Rick London

I just got back from my cardiologist; he is my second one (my first one fired me…I’m not joking), but I like this one much better.  I am older than he is (I have 3 doctors and I’m older than all of them).  That feels kind of weird but I feel better with younger doctors [...]

Given Our Planet’s Situation, Can A Cartoonist Always Be Funny? By Rick London

I have been co-creating Londons Times Cartoons, the Google #1 ranked offbeat webcomics on the Internet, with my team for over 14 years.  We’ve created 5000+ cartoons and over 1/4 million funny gifts & collectibles; many carried by Amazon, Sears, and other established firms.  Again, I’m proud. A few weeks ago, an old childhood friend [...]

The Intimate Twitter Story Of Lee & Me by Rick London

My wife Lee (@LeeHillerLondon) and I (@RickLondon), started on Twitter about the same time; she in January 2009 and I started February 2009.  I didn’t have a clue how it worked.  While elementary students were running circles around me conquering facebook, I was busy studying articles about Twitter and was determined to tackle this mysterious [...]

Ridding Your Home & Life Of Rodents & Life Coaches by Rick London

I particularly love to write a blog in which I haven’t a clue what the subject might be and this is for several reasons.  And when it is early in the morning like now, I tend to regurgitate experiences that have recently occurred. And what person who has been on Twitter more than a month [...]

A Boy Named Sushi

A few weeks ago, I was telling my wife Lee, I was getting bored (again). Not with her, I never get bored of her, but with the shoes and gifts I was designing. I knew from experience it was a temporary state, but I also knew I needed to create something new, something difference, but [...]

Birther Of A Nation by Rick London

Today The Obama Administration decided was the right time to release his real birth certificate.  The immediate predictable announcement by Donald Trump was more or less, “I solved a big problem…Obama should have done earlier…America couldn’t have done it without me”. Blah blah yadda yadda. To be clear, I’m no Barack Obama fan. I don’t [...]

14 Years Of Cartooning & Funny Gift Designing. Then & Now…

      I am proud to say, thanks to you, our friends, Londons Times Cartoons & Funny Gifts celebrated 14 years.  It also reached year 6 as Google’s #1 ranked offbeat cartoon & 4 years as MSN’s #1 ranked.  When I say all this comes as a complete surprise, my wife Lee will tell you, I’m [...]

Londons Times Cartoons Celebrates 14th Anniversary

                                     Some Early Londons Times Cartoons: (Click Thumbnail to enlarge)                 Every time an important anniversary arrives one tends to reflect. Especially when they get older and more forgetful like me, and appreciate the moments we  *can* reflect and it is at least semi-accurate.  Today is one of those days.  My wife Lee and [...]