Tag Archives: online shopping

Life Coaches Vs Wisdom. Is There A Winner? By Rick London

“So what gives you the right to open a wisdom shop?”, asked an old childhood friend on facebook.     It is not that I am Confucius (or anything close), but it’s important to keep in mind that about 90%+ with whom I reconnect through social media have not seen me in at least 25 years; some [...]

Given Our Planet’s Situation, Can A Cartoonist Always Be Funny? By Rick London

I have been co-creating Londons Times Cartoons, the Google #1 ranked offbeat webcomics on the Internet, with my team for over 14 years.  We’ve created 5000+ cartoons and over 1/4 million funny gifts & collectibles; many carried by Amazon, Sears, and other established firms.  Again, I’m proud. A few weeks ago, an old childhood friend [...]

The Glamorous Life Of A Cartoonist by Rick London

I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t get asked what its like to lead the glamorous life of a cartoonist or humor writer. I s’pose I could put it in as few as words as possible, “Charlie Sheen, eat your heart out”…or, tell it like it really is.  My wife Lee isa [...]