Category Archives: humor

14 Years Of Cartooning & Funny Gift Designing. Then & Now…

      I am proud to say, thanks to you, our friends, Londons Times Cartoons & Funny Gifts celebrated 14 years.  It also reached year 6 as Google’s #1 ranked offbeat cartoon & 4 years as MSN’s #1 ranked.  When I say all this comes as a complete surprise, my wife Lee will tell you, I’m [...]

Londons Times Cartoons Celebrates 14th Anniversary

                                     Some Early Londons Times Cartoons: (Click Thumbnail to enlarge)                 Every time an important anniversary arrives one tends to reflect. Especially when they get older and more forgetful like me, and appreciate the moments we  *can* reflect and it is at least semi-accurate.  Today is one of those days.  My wife Lee and [...]

Donald Trump’s Hair Under Investigation

My hair was born in the U.S.    I just want my follicle units back   With important news saturating our airwaves such as the Japan tragedy, uprisings in the Arab world,  and so many more meaningful issues, Donald Trump’s timing could not be worse with the non-news issue of investigating if Obama was born in [...]

The Glamorous Life Of A Cartoonist by Rick London

I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t get asked what its like to lead the glamorous life of a cartoonist or humor writer. I s’pose I could put it in as few as words as possible, “Charlie Sheen, eat your heart out”…or, tell it like it really is.  My wife Lee isa [...]

A Frog Started My Career

When you reach my age (56), it is not unique that one remembers things that happened 50 years ago; but can’t remember what day it is. That’s me.  The one thing I will never forget is how and why I started collecting things. Let me warn you ahead of time, this story will not appeal [...]